The Dalmore King Alexander III, created by Master Distiller Richard Paterson, is a remarkable whisky that is aged in six distinct cask types: French Wine casks, Madeira drums, Marsala barrels, Sherry Butts, Port pipes, and Kentucky Bourbon barrels. This unique cask combination imparts a luxurious and complex flavor profile, highlighted by rich notes of berry fruits and crushed almonds.
Tasting Notes from the Producer
Aromas (without water): Red berry fruits with subtle hints of passion fruit.
Palate (without water): Citrus zest, vanilla pod, crème caramel, and crushed almonds.
Fact Sheet
Distiller/Blender: Richard Paterson
Distillery: Dalmore Distillery
Fluid: 70cl
Alcohol %: 40%
Types of Barrel used for Aging: French Wine casks, Madeira drums, Marsala barrels, Sherry Butts, Port pipes & Kentucky Bourbon barrels.
Region/AOC: Highlands